Indubbiamente i castelli della Slovacchia sono l’attrattiva principale per il visitatore.

Numerosi sono i castelli in perfetto stato di conservazione, ma altrettante sono le rovine di manieri medioevali e gotici che testimoniano una lunga storia lasciata dai popoli che in passato hanno popolato le terre della Slovacchia.

Gli storici si stanno ancora chiedendo quando le antiche popolazioni abbiano gettato le fondamenta degli imponenti manieri. Certo è che sull’altura del castello di Bratislava, la capitale della Slovacchia, i primi insediamenti umani risalgono a quattromila anni fa.

In Slovacchia circa 200 paesi e città hanno sul proprio territorio delle fortezze medievali e dei castelli che erano posti nei luoghi strategici a difesa delle vie commerciali. La Slovacchia è stata attraversata dalla storia, pertanto Vi potete trovare tutti gli stili architettonici.

Nei pressi di Bratislava sono conservati i resti di una fortificazione romana dell’età imperiale e molte chiese in stile gotico. Gioiello di portata europea è il Duomo gotico di Santa Elisabetta a Košice.

Vi mostriamo alcuni siti storici tra i più importanti:

The Castle had originated before 1250 and originally served as a hunting seat for a royal family. The ownership of the Castle changed to individuals later on. They tried to adapt the Castle according to their own wishes, and we can still see the evidence of these various re-buildings. During reconstruction works in the 17th century the country yard was supplemented with arcades and the rooms with vaulted ceilings. At that time the Castle was the seat of the Lupca nobility who possessed a lot of villages situated to the east of Banska Bystrica. After a fire in 1860 the Castle was adapted for use as an orphanage and under the previous regime it was the place where nuns were isolated. As the Castle was in continuous use it has been preserved considerably.
The nature of the Low Tatra and the mountains of Slovenske Rudohorie, offers opportunities for walks and sport activities.

The manor house from 1722 belongs to the masterpieces of Baroque architecture in our territory.

Velky Biel
In 1722-25, Bishop Czáky had commissioned the building of one of the largest Slovak manor houses ever.

The monumental new-Gothic castle was built in style of the English Gothic of the Tudor Age.

Originally a Gothic hunters' resort, accommodating the guest of King Ludwig of Anjou, resembled Italian town castle. In the period of wars, the castle from the second half of the 14th century was later rebuilt in the Renaissance style. This little town under the castle became the second most important center at the upper flow of river Hron.

Novy Zamok
In 1571 The New Castle (Nový zámok) was completed as a part of the town fortification against Turkish invasion. The museum in its interior is now devoted to the history of combat.


Consolato Onorario della Repubblica Slovacca (Giurisdizione sulla Regione Lombardia)
Sede: 20123 Milano VIA BOCCACCIO 16   Tel. +39 02 393 25866